
  • Updating Warehouse Stock
  • Splitting Cart by Warehouse Location

The Inventory Model

The Inventory module allows you to easily list all product stock changes that have occured within Core dna, showing who actioned the change and other details. These updates include DXP product updates, Customer checkout, Rest API updates etc.

You can also configure third party stock plugins (Channel Advisor) to maintain product stock levels. Under Configure → Manage Features; you can select what actions you want Core dna to perform.


Warehouses allow you to set stock to different locations per product or variant. Once enabled, all normal stock will be disregarded and treated as if no warehouse record was found. You will have to update each product and variant to set the new entry into the warehouse stock table. 

During checkout, A warehouse will be assigned to each product based on the users location and the warehouses proximity to that user. If you have split orders enabled, then it will split the cart. If not, then it will take the cart and try to find a warehouse which can accommodate all these products.

To configure a Warehouse click Configure → Warehouses. On this screen you will be shown a the current list of warehouses . Click Add New Warehouse to show the add dialog. Note that each warehouse must have a unique warehouse code.

The most important details are the warehouse code and warehouse latitude and longitude. These coordinates are used to calculate user distance when assigning warehouses during checkout. If these details are not found (as they are not required fields), then they will be included in the warehouse lookup at the bottom of the list - the closet warehouses being at the top.

Under Configure → Manage Features you can enable Warehouses at the bottom.

Once warehouses are enabled, the inventory log will change to include them. Please note that with this switch enabled, all current product stock will effectively become zero as Core dna will now look at the warehouse stock inventory and not the per product inventory.

Updating Warehouse Stock

Once warehouse are enabled, you can edit the warehouse stock by editing a product or variant. The default quantity field will now be disabled, now showing the total quantity of the product across all warehouses. Click the button Show Warehouse Stock to expand a small table with each warehouse and it's stock for this product.

Click Update to save the stock to the warehouse.

Splitting Cart by Warehouse Location

Core dna supports splitting a cart by user & warehouse location, which upon checkout will result in an split order.

In order to enable this there are some requirements:

Once you have enabled all of these, your cart should split the checkout as normal. You can view the logs for warehouse split calculation in Reports → Cart