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Method Description Returns
getAvailableFullTextQueryTypes() Returns list of available `multi_match` query types array
getAvailableFullTextSearchFields() Gets list of all available fields for the full text search. If field is an object, it returns its full path separated by dots, e.g. `tags['name']` and `tags['slug']` are returned as `` and `tags.slug`. Only text fields are returned. array
getAvailableHighlightFields() Gets fields list available for highlighting array
getAvailableFilterFields() Gets list of all available fields for the filtering. If field is an object, it returns its full path separated by dots, e.g. `tags['name']` and `tags['slug']` are returned as `` and `tags.slug`. Moreover, if field is a text, ".keyword" suffix is added as that is the proper way to use them for filtering. It does not include "relatedRecords" key in result, but it is available to be used by default, just send it as filter if it is required. array
getAvailableSortFields() Gets list of all available fields for the sorting. They are the same as for filtering + "_score" field. array
getFullTextQueryType() Returns full text query type. Currently, the type of `multi_match` only. Returns default type (best_fields) or the one search by the exact part of the string (phrase_prefix). string
isFullTextQueryTypeChangeable() Returns if full text query type can be changed from parameters (e.g. from URL). It is forbidden by default. bool
getFullTextSearchFields() Gets default full text search fields. They look like: `["entityClass" => 1, "name" => 2, "author.displayName" => 3]` ‒ field name as key and its weight in value. When it returns empty array, elasticsearch sets fields automatically according to its settings. array
isFullTextSearchFieldsChangeable() Returns if full text search fields list can be changed from parameters (e.g. from URL). It is allowed by default. bool
getFilterFields() Gets default filter. Key is a field name, value ‒ filter value. array
getChangeableFilterFields() Gets list of filter fields that can be changed from parameter (e.g. from URL). All available filter fields by default. array
getIgnoreEmptyFilterFields() Gets list of filter fields that are not applied when they are empty. If `` is passed in parameters and is not listed in this array, only records that have no category will be returned. If it is listed ‒ filtering by "" will be skipped. All available filter fields by default. array
getSortFields() Gets sort array. It looks like `["created desc", "name"]`. The "asc" could be skipped. array
isSortFieldsChangeable() Returns if sort can be changed from parameters (e.g. from URL). It is allowed by default. bool
getMinimumShouldMatch() Returns "minimum_should_match" default value. Empty sting means no value is set. string
isMinimumShouldMatchChangeable() Returns if "minimum_should_match" can be changed from parameters (e.g. from URL). It is allowed by default. bool
getTieBreaker() Gets tiebreaker default value. Empty sting means no value is set. float
isTieBreakerChangeable() Returns if tiebreaker can be changed from parameters (e.g. from URL). It is allowed by default. bool
isFuzzy() Returns if fuzziness searching enabled. It is true by default. bool
isFuzzyChangeable() Returns if fuzziness can be changed from parameters (e.g. from URL). It is true by default. bool
getPageSize() Gets default page size value. It is got from configuration by default. int
isPageSizeChangeable() Returns if page size can be changed from parameters (e.g. from URL). It is false by default. bool
getHighlightFields() Gets fields to be highlighted array
isHighlightFieldsChangeable() Returns if highlight be changed from parameters (e.g. from URL). It is true by default. bool
getId() int
getName() string
getSlug() string
getSettings() array
getCreated() Date the record was created. DateTime
getModified() Last modification date for the record. DateTime
getSite() Site
isMasterIndex() Returns if view is for master index bool
isNewRecord() Check if the record is a new record bool
isHierarchicalModel() Check whether a model is a hierarchical model, i.e. can have children bool
isVersionedModel() Check whether a model is versioned bool