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Method Description Returns
getOriginalPath() Get the original path for the faq page without custom urls applied string
getFullSlug() As we don't have an ability to set parent for a question, common slug is a full one. string
getFullPath() string
getAssignedWorkflow() Get the workflow assigned to the record or entity Workflow
hasAssignedWorkflow() Check whether the record has an assigned workflow bool
getBranches() Get the branches associated with the record Collection
getBranchRevisions(RevisionBranch $branch) Get the revisions for the provided branch Collection
getNumRevisionsWithoutBranch() Get the number of revisions without branch int
getRevisionsWithoutBranch() Get all revisions without branch Collection
getId() int
getSlug() string
getName() Also allow getting the question by name string
getQuestion() string
getState() string
getCreated() Get the date the record was created. DateTime
getModified() Get the last modification date for the record. DateTime
getPublished() DateTime
getActiveRevision() QuestionRevision
getRevisions() Collection (QuestionRevision)
getRevisionById(int $id) Get the revision with the specified id. QuestionRevision
getLastRevision() Get the last revision for the entity. If a revision has been added, this will be the newly added revision. QuestionRevision
getSourceQuestion() Question
getRelatedQuestions() Collection (Question)
getLanguage() Language
getSeoSettings() SeoSettings
getSite() Site
getCreatedBy() User
getModifiedBy() User
getOwner() User
isPublished() Check if the record is published. bool
getComments() Collection (QuestionComment)
getPageRevisionQuestions() Collection (PageRevisionQuestion)
getTags() Tags associated with the page Collection (Tag)
getCategories() Categories associated with the page Collection (Category)
isNewRecord() Check if the record is a new record bool
isHierarchicalModel() Check whether a model is a hierarchical model, i.e. can have children bool
isVersionedModel() Check whether a model is versioned bool
getOtherLanguageVersions() Fetch an associative array with other language versions of this question. The key of the array is the language code id (e.g. "en-us") and the value is the question. array
hasAreaWithName(string $areaName) Check if an area with the specified name exists for the active revision of the record bool
getAreaType(string $areaName) Get the input type for the specified layout area, using the active revision of the record. Returns null if the area with the specified name could not be found. InputType
getAreaCategory(string $areaName) Get the category for the specified layout area, using the active revision of the record. Returns null if the area with the specified name could not be found. string
getAreaEditor(string $areaName) Get the editor for the specified layout area, using the active revision of the record. Returns null if the area with the specified name could not be found. string
getAreaImage(string $areaName) Get the image for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record Image
getAreaImageOrPlaceholder(string $areaName, int $width, int $height) Get the image for the component area with the specified name. Uses the active revision of the global component. If the image does not exist, get a placeholder image with the specified dimensions Will always return an image, even if it was not found (in that case, an empty image). Image
getAreaFile(string $areaName) Get the file for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record File
getAreaRecord(string $areaName) Get the record for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record Model
getAreaRecords(string $areaName) Get the records for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record Collection
getAreaText(string $areaName) Get the text for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record string
getAreaValues(string $areaName) Get the values for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record array
getAreaDate(string $areaName) Get a date for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record DateTime
getAreaWidget(string $areaName) Get the widget for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record Widget
getAreaComponent(string $areaName) Get the component for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record Component
getAreaCollectionElements(string $areaName) Get the component collection elements for the layout area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record Collection
getAreaHtml(string $areaName) Get the rendered HTML for the component area with the specified name, using the active revision of the record. Adds live preview tags, if enabled. string
getAreaDefaultContent(string $areaName) Get the default content of the layout area. Uses the active revision of the global component. Will return a BlankContent if no content was defined. Content
getAreaContentOrDefault(string $areaName) Get the content of the layout area, or the default content if no content exists. Uses the active revision of the global component. If no default content exists, a BlankContent will be returned. Content