2018/08 Release notes

27 August

Release: 2018.29

  • Product Catalogue
    • The Expression of Interest form now supports product variants. 
    • Added ability to retrieve variants by product id
    • Added ability to update variant fields by variant code
    • Added new sub-resource for orders - Payment Transactions. This sub-resource lists all payment transaction for the given order id, including payment gateway response data
    • REST API documentation was updated to remove old, deprecated practices (such as use of HTTP and custom authentication headers), to incorporate the latest updates, and to address the most common question asked by the users

21 August

Release: 2018.28

  • Product Catalogue
    • Performance of Faceted Search was substantially improved
    • Product attachments are now copied when the product is copied
    • Fix an issue with images uploads for Options
  • Froms
    • Section templates are now mandatory fields when a new form is created
    • A message is displayed in JavaScript console when a template is missing for a form
  • Positions
    • It is now possible to publish/unpublish locations
    • Fixed an issue with Industry synchronisation with Salesforce
  • Hooks
    • Fixed a few UI issues with the "Send Mail" action
  • Assets
    • Hidden folders and files are excluded from search in the 'search in all folders' option
    • Fixed an issue with inability to go inside a directory in search results

13 August

Release: 2018.27

    • The order object now exposes shipping.date and shipping.carrier properties
  • Centres
    • New currency formatting options added to "Regionalisation" tab in the DXP. It is now possible to choose a variety of options of how to display the amounts, whether to display a currency symbol or currency code before the number or after the number.
      Remember to call currency formatter correctly. E.g. <{$amount|format:currency}>
  • Routing
    • The routing module now allows to modify the default URI path for almost every module in Coredna.
  • Hooks
    • It is now possible to use comma-separated list of Form Ids in the conditions for the 'FormSubmitted' event.
    • The new status 'quote' is added to the list of available statues for 'orderStatusChange' event. This event is also fired when a new quote is created.
    • It is now possible to replay any order event from the front-end, subject to validation (e.g. `orderPaid` event cannot be replayed for the order with `declined` status). The order must belong to the currently logged in user. This feature is particularly useful when it is required to re-send order confirmation or shipment notification e-mails. To replay an event, `form_name=replay` parameter must be called, along with `order_id` and `event`.
      Example of replaying 'orderPaid' event:
      Example of replaying 'orderStatusChange' event:

6 August

Release: 2018.26

  • Centres
    • A new getEscapedUri() function returns a URI of the current resource without parameters of the query string. This function is used by the SEO module for canonical self links.
    • Fixed an issue with VCS deployment hook, where some centres did not receive an update
    • Fixed an issue with reCaptcha-related Java Script causing problems on the pages where reCaptcha-enabled forms did not exist
  • Positions
    • Fixed bug when importing positions and overwriting the salesforce_id with contact / location id
  • Product Catalogue
    • Fixed an issue with improper asset host being used on staging environment for file attachments
  • e-Commerce
    • "Free Item" discounts are processed first in the order of all applicable discounts, so any other discounts are never applied to free products
    • Fixed a bug with multiple instances of the same "Free Item" discount giving only partial discount instead of making a product free
    • Order details screen now displays the currency sign according to regionalisation settings
    • ANZ payment gateway now displays transaction ID and response code in transaction description
  • Users
    • Flexible import script now just skips any records without a proper email address
  • Events
    • Fixed an issue with the date picker on the Add Date screen