2019/07 Release notes

31 July

Release: 2019.14

  • Products
    • It is now easier to access product variants with a direct link just under product name. The list of variants now moved from a modal window to the "products" tab. Also, the Pricing Options IU for variants was redesigned and has been separated from the variant details. 
    • Google Merchant Feed export now generates a static file which is publicly available at this path: /import_export/google_merchant_feed.xml
    • FTP Upload logging was improved for Google Merchant Feed export and now produces a report in the Reports module
    • When images are replaced for products and variants, the files get unique names
  • Forms
    • Added ability to copy/clone forms
  • E-Commerce
    • Fixed an issue with split shipping validation of in-store pickup logic
    • Fixed an issue with address book entry duplication
  • CDN
    • The middleware now strips schema, protocol and host name form image URLs within WYSIWYG content serving all asses from the native domain name
  • Blogs
    • Fixed an issue with blog post dates being screwed up in some cases
  • Press Kits
    • Fixed an issue with authority settings
  • Retailer
    • It is now possible to search retailers by latitude and longitude
    • Improved export/import layout
  • Pages
    • Fixed an issue with content disappearing with images are updated
  • Help
    • Fixed an issue with list position dropdown
  • Security
    • Several improvements for a better XSS protection

16 July

Release: 2019.13

  • Centres
    • CDN cache is now cleared upon every deploy
  • Hooks
    • It is now possible to export one or several hooks into a JSON string which then can be imported into the same or a different centre. This facilitates easy copy/export/import of hooks between the centres and environments.
  • Metadata
    • Each metadata field now has an audit log which shows all changes to the value or the state of the field by users
    • It is now possible for administrator to lock a field which would prevent any changes to this field (including deletion) by all users
    • All metadata fields now support soft deletion and keep all history of changes even after deletion. The UI has been updated to allow filtering of deleted fields. 
  • E-Commerce
    • The cart now supports Unit/Level field in the address
    • Fixed an issue with the orders did not split when the cart being restored from pending order using restore cart link
    • Fixed an issue with product lifetime limits applied incorrectly when the cart being restored from pending order
    • Fixed an issue with address book entries were not correctly added/updated from the cart 
    • Fixed an issue with discounts being displayed twice in the DXP UI
    • Fixed an issue with tax amount of shipping not being displayed correctly
    • Fixed an issue with pending order transaction affecting order overall status
    • Fixed an issue with Delivery Date format inconsistency with Regionalization settings
  • Users
    • Added a new block function assign_guest_group which allows to assign the guest user into one or more user groups
  • Products
    • Fixed an issue with product images not being updated when re-uploading the image file
  • Slots
    • Fixed an issue with autocomplete items not being saved correctly in some circumstances
    • Fixed an issue with widgets not being displayed in a slot in some circumstances
  • SEO
    • Updated soft-validation limit for meta title (70) and meta description (150)
  • Mailer
    • Fixed an issue with emails not being sent because of invalid characters in the plain text version of the content 
  • Press kits
    • Added order by image index