
What are Quotes

A Quote is an order which has been frozen in time and is waiting to be restored at a later date to complete checkout. A Quote contains all the discounts which have been applied at the time of creation. A Quote is not a completed order. Once the Quote has been successfully checked out - using the restore a quote functionality below, the Quote itself will be updated with the new order status and will now be considered a new order.

Creating a Quote

To create a Quote, add some items to your shopping cart then pass the action save_as_quote to action3. If you are unsure how to do this, follow the documentation on how to add a product to the cart. It is the exact same process, except we have a different action. You can also pass the variable quote_name to allow the quote to be saved with a user specified name. The POST will look like this:

method: POST
path: yoursitecom/index.php?action=prodcataloguecart&json=1&form_name=cart3&form_action=save_as_quote&quote_name=mytestquote

Once the Quote has been created, your cart will be wiped. You can create a Quote at any time (as long as you have items in your cart). You can also manually change the status of any order to quote.

Creating a Quote will trigger the New Order and the Order Status Changed Hooks (in that order).

Below is an example of this Save Quote action as a button

<a class="btn" href="yoursitecom/index.php?action=prodcataloguecart&form_name=cart3&form_action=save_as_quote&quote_name=mytestquote">Save Quote</a>

Restoring a Quote

When you have created a new Quote, select Transactions when you hover over the Quote. You will see the following window;

Click the Restore Quote URL and the order will be recreated for you. This URL will work for anybody as long as the order still has status of Quote. Some items may be missing from the restored Quote as they may now be out of stock. Once the Quote has been checked out, it will be converted to a completed order.

You can also access this Restore Quote URL using the order object using the following method:
