2017/12 Release notes



Module(s) changed

Change(s) made

2017-12-27ENGINE-63seoAdd alternate URLs support

Do not check specific permissions on GA account property

2017-12-20TECH-3756portalNew debug window
2017-12-18TECH-3789prodcatalogueorder, hooksRemove the PSR logger library and re-enable the Hooks logger.
2017-12-15TECH-3782newsletterFix issue with newsletter publication dates
2017-12-14ENGINE-60hooksAdd conditional hooks and new hook logs.

Use the final discount log instead of adding all of them when calculating product final price.

2017-12-12TECH-3762exoAdd EXO logs csv export functionality
2017-12-08TECH-3765prodcatalogueExpose CatProduct instance to GoogleFeed template
2017-12-07TECH-3750prodcatalogueShow percentage of items when editing a Bundle.
2017-12-07TECH-3750prodcatalogueorderMultiple Bundle products are now saved in the same row with per item tax and discount. Fix bugs with per items and Bundle Fingerprints.
2017-12-06TECH-3747DiscountsEnable the discounts module to work with FedEx rates in the action
2017-12-06TECH-3757DiscountsFix minor issues with the bundles action check.
2017-12-06TECH-3750prodcatalogueorderFix issue with tax for discounts on bundles and incorrect bundle items sent to TaxJar.
2017-12-06TECH-3754prodcatalogueorderDo not include shipping discount into discount amount passed to PayPal
2017-12-06TECH-3750prodcatalogueorderFix issues with Bundles loading products with special price.
2017-12-05TECH-3725prodcatalogueorderSend order details in Stripe description details.
2017-12-05ENGINE-41prodcatalogueorderImplement per item discount and per item tax into saved order items. TaxJar only.
2017-12-05ENGINE-43blogsAdd block function for retrieving blog posts by custom field
2017-12-04ENGINE-40blogsAdd functionality for counting post views and retrieving most viewed posts
2017-12-01ENGINE-44exoEnhance error handling and logging
2017-12-01TECH-3729prodcatalogueorderFix issue when converting guest cart selected bundle items to logged in cart.
2017-12-01TECH-3744prodcatalogueorderAlways show shipping price on preview and order screen.
2017-12-01TECH-3740prodcatalogueFix issue with list of product relations when list page > 1