Frontend | Backend | Api



Method Description Returns
getRootComment() Get the root comment GlobalComment
getUpVotes() Get the number of up votes for this comment int
getDownVotes() Get the number of down votes for this comment int
isUpVotedByUser() Check if the comment has been up voted by the currently authenticated user bool
isDownVotedByUser() Check if the comment has been down voted by the currently authenticated user bool
getId() int
getText() string
isQuestion() bool
getCreated() Get the date the record was created. DateTime
getModified() Get the last modification date for the record. DateTime
getParent() GlobalComment
getAnswer() GlobalComment
getPage() GlobalPage
getQuestionForAnswer() GlobalComment
getCreatedBy() GlobalUser
getVotes() Collection
getChildren() Collection
isNewRecord() Check if the record is a new record bool
isHierarchicalModel() Check whether a model is a hierarchical model, i.e. can have children bool
isVersionedModel() Check whether a model is versioned bool