2017/09 Release notes




Module(s) changed

Change(s) made

2017-09-28TECH-3532prodcatalogueorderSave selected bundle product variants into orders details
2017-09-27TECH-3544prodcatalogueorderAdd order ID to show_my_orders block function
2017-09-27TECH-3532prodcatalogueorderAllow Bundles to use Variant Products within Cart3.
2017-09-27TECH-3527prodcatalogueorder, shippingzbRemove redundant api call that returns wrong web service rates
2017-09-26TECH-3540prodcatalogueorderFix issue with order restore does not keep product options with Cart3
2017-09-25TECH-3501prodcatalogueorderAdd CardConnect to Omnipay library.
2017-09-25TECH-3416prodcatalogueorderAdd integration with PayPal Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution
2017-09-25TECH-3527shippingzbFix error in the retrieval of shipping rates per zone
2017-09-22TECH-3527shippingzbFix issue with wrong shipping rates appearing in the Edit Zone list
2017-09-22TECH-3520blogsClear cache when copying blog to another centre
2017-09-22TECH-3526prodcatalogueFix missing bundle URL
2017-09-21TECH-3504prodcatalogueorderAllow Order Limit to apply to all retailers from 'All' config with global settings.

Fix issue with shipping company API calls

2017-09-20TECH-3507prodcatalogueorderFix issue with missing card expiry info in ipsi payment gateway
2017-09-20TECH-3347packlist, hooksFix issue displaying default pack list and elective for staples, update hooks ssh keys location
2017-09-20TECH-3347prodcatalogueorderAllow bulk blacklist update when selecting dates.
2017-09-20TECH-3495prodcatalogueRemember selected DXP menu tab when changing product category
2017-09-19TECH-3219hooksAllow hooks to upload ssh key to DXP and update location of keys
2017-09-18TECH-3490prodcatalogueFix various issues when coping a product with variant images, pricing and option lists from one centre to another.
2017-09-18TECH-3488surveyFix survey export, add warning when opening Report tab without the required template

Add Facebook-compatible CSV data export

2017-09-14TECH-3488surveyFix issue with image upload
2017-09-14TECH-3488surveyAdd title, class and description fields to answers
2017-09-13CORE-1080hooks, prodcatalogueorder, pubuserAdd file tree explorer to hooks config, allow email action to use to address from event data, add Hooks Interface to Orders and Pubuser class.
2017-09-13TECH-3493prodcatalogue, discountsFix bug with discounts speed when category children are enabled.
2017-09-13TECH-3489ckfinderChange image host to asset host
2017-09-12TECH-3469retailerRedirect to the original Retailers list page when clicking back on the crumb-trail
2017-09-11TECH-3462eventsRespond 404 on invalid event links requests
2017-09-08TECH-3469retailerAdd Retailer crumb-trail when viewing as a merchant.
2017-09-08TECH-3454pagesAdd custom properties in Page Attachments
2017-09-08TECH-3477prodcatalogueorderFix bug with special characters in order details.
2017-09-08TECH-3464discountsUpdate Discounts to allow price checking (min/max/qty) on subset of cart, allow action to ignore certain items.
2017-09-08TECH-3479agentsReplace $agent object with an instance of Agent object
2017-09-08TECH-3478agentsFix team quotes history for outlet owners
2017-09-06TECH-3461pagesExpose image1 property to menu
2017-09-05TECH-3449prodcataloguecartFix issue where the price check fails when an optionlist has been removed from a product and variant.
2017-09-05TECH-3219hooksAllow attachments on hook emails.
2017-09-05TECH-3465prodcatalogueorderFix issue with Cart3 Eway payments and Instalment amounts.
2017-09-04TECH-3453blogsFix issue when deleting blog images and fix issues from previous patch


blogsFix bug when uploading multiple images into blog post
2017-09-01TECH-3451fcreatorAdd extra param to clear session vars if page_id is required
2017-09-01TECH-3428prodcatalogueAdd optional e-mail notification on DXP product import