Method | Description | Returns |
hasRefreshToken() | Does Access Token have a related Refresh Token? | bool |
hasScope() | Does Access Token have scope | bool |
isValid() | Determine if access token is valid for use | bool |
hasScopeIncluded(string $scope) | Does this record have this scope? | bool |
getId() | int | |
getAccessToken() | string | |
getExpiryDate() | DateTime | |
getScope() | string | |
getCreated() | Date the record was created. | DateTime |
getUserAgent() | string | |
getIpAddress() | string | |
getApp() | Client | |
getRefreshToken() | RefreshToken | |
getUser() | User | |
isNewRecord() | Check if the record is a new record | bool |
isHierarchicalModel() | Check whether a model is a hierarchical model, i.e. can have children | bool |
isVersionedModel() | Check whether a model is versioned | bool |