2018/11 Release notes

26 November

Release: 2018.40

  • Product Catalogue
    • Bundles now support options. It is now possible to attach an option list to a bundle in a similar way it works for the products. It is useful when a bundle includes products attached to the same option list (e.g. colour). In this case the options can be picked at bundle level, not the bundle products level
  • Discounts
    • Several UI improvements for conditions and actions views where the products/bundles/categories can be selected:
      • A column with Product/Bundle code was added to the table with selected items (only for items added into the list after release 2018.40)
      • Product/bundle/category publishing status is now displayed in the description field
      • Newly added items (not yet saved) are highlighted
      • Once an item has been added to the list, it no longer appears in autocomplete search results
  • Projects
    • It is now possible to select User Groups for "Users" and "Super Users" roles
    • When a new member is added to the project, by default, the new user will be added into the "Users" group
  • Hooks
    • Fixed an issue with the incorrect timestamp in Hook logs
  • Core
    • Fixed an issue with extraction of source client IP address from X-Forwarded-For HTTP header
    • "Scheduler Log" now renamed to "Reports" as this better reflects the purpose of the module
  • Users
    • Mailchimp sync logs are now available in "Reports" 
    • "Order By" configuration option was added in module config
  • News
    • "show_news2" block function now respects the permanent/temporary flag 
  • Centres
    • Centre::getMetaData() method always returns an instance of \CoreDNA\Collection meaning it is safe to call any methods on it without checking for null value
    • Added Centre::getMetaData($key) method which returns the value of the specified metadata key
    • Improved caching of metadata

20 November

Release: 2018.39

  • E-Commerce
    • It is now possible to pass JSON Arbitrary data in multiple separate fields using PHP array notation for field names (eg <input name=“order_json_data[level one][level two]” type=“input”>). Also, the arbitrary data submitted on shipping details page and on payment details page will now be merged into a single data structure accessible in order details. Please refer to the documentation for further details and examples.
    • It is now possible configure the lifespan of the shopping cart. By default, the cart key expires after 15 minutes of inactivity or when the browser has been closed. When the Long Term Cookie option is enabled in Commerce → configure → Manage Configuration, it is now possible to set cart key expiry in days. The cart contents will be preserved until cart has expired. Please note, a cart and a user are separate – a cart is not linked to the logged in user.
    • default templates were introduced to the feature of exporting order contents in csv, xml or html in order details view in the DXP
  • Hooks
    • All events now have access to HTTP request data. A new standard object is now available in all actions and all events – $request. This object stores all HTTP request parameters (except sensitive data, such as passwords), such as query string parameters and POST data. This provides a context for hook action. For example, it is now possible to implement some business logic in the templates, based on the parameters in the URL of the page which triggered the event; or skip execution of some action based on the value of some parameter in the submitted form data.
  • Custom Fields
    • Custom fields are now cached
  • Users
    • Fixed an issue with flexible user import
  • Core
    • Fixed an issue with redirection to canonical host name not occurring when accessing website via CDN host.

13 November

Release: 2018.38

  • Metadata
    • Management of metadata variables was moved from the centre maintenance into a separate module which may be accessible by any user. The new module can be located under "Content" section. It has an improved UI and new export and import functionality. It is possible to export all meta variables of the centre into a csv file. Is it also possible to import metadata variables in three modes:
      • Append - only the new, non-existing variables will be created, while the existing variables will be skipped
      • Overwrite - all variables in the import file will be added or updated
      • Replace - all variables in the centre will be deleted and replaced with the variables in the import file
  • Forms
    • The Results tab got new table layout, in addition to user name and time completed it displays information about the IP address of the user, the country and region of the user
  • Hooks
    • Sometimes User Update events are fired multiple times during the same request cycle. The new EventRegistry system now ensures that each event is only fired only once for each object. This prevents unnecessary triggering of the hooks multiple times.
    • Fixed an issue with PDF generation in Create File action
    • UI Improvements
  • Discounts
    • In line with phasing out the old Vouchers module in favour of Discounts module, it is no longer possible to create new Vouchers
    • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to create discounts with fractional (<1) values
  • Blogs
    • Fixed a few issues with linked content and image custom fields

5 November

Release: 2018.37

  • Discounts
    • New discount condition "Cart Excludes" allows to specify the "stop" products or categories. If such products are added into the cart, the discount will not apply.
    • The "Discounts" tab is now displayed by default upon entry into the module. The Vouchers are deprecated and will be retired soon.
  • Hooks
    • The User Updated event is not fired when a User object is updated by a hook (e.g. Evaluate Template action) to avoid infinite loops
  • Forms 
    • Fixed an issue when random names were displayed in the User Full Name field in the DXP for the forms completed by Guest users
    • The "Results" tab now displays date and time in the format according to the regionalisation settings of the centre
  • Core
    • In Site Maintenance it is now possible to store Google API keys to be used to services like Geocoding in the Retailers module.
  • Product Catalogue
    • Fixed an issue with variant stock issues for bundles
    • Fixed an issue with SEO/Meta fields export