Method | Description | Returns |
__toString() | Get the string representation of the file, which is the file path | string |
getPath() | Get the path for this file | string |
getFullPath() | Get the full path for this file. Alias for getPath. | string |
getType() | Get the type of the file. Tries to determine the file type based on the active revision's virtual file type. | string |
getPreviewImage() | Get a preview image for the file. Returns null if no preview image exists. | Image |
getId() | int | |
getCreated() | Get the date the record was created. | DateTime |
getModified() | Get the last modification date for the record. | DateTime |
getFilename() | Filename | |
getActiveRevision() | FileRevision | |
getRevisionById(int $id) | Get the revision with the specified id | FileRevision |
getTags() | Collection (Tag) | |
getCategories() | Collection (Category) | |
getRevisions() | Collection (FileRevision) | |
getLastRevision() | Get the last revision for the entity. If a revision has been added, this will be the newly added revision. | FileRevision |
isNewRecord() | Check if the record is a new record | bool |
isHierarchicalModel() | Check whether a model is a hierarchical model, i.e. can have children | bool |
isVersionedModel() | Check whether a model is versioned | bool |