Files Manager

The file manager gives the user a simple and straightforward way to add / update / delete and manage files uploaded to Core dna's CMS. Files can be organized into folder structures to allow for easy management of files. The file manager can be found on the menu under Content » Files » Manage Files.

Parts of the file manager

Starting at the top left and working clockwise we have 

File manager - folder navigation

It is also possible to drag and drop folders to arrange them by simply dragging them to the correct parent folder.

Basic folder list:

Right click to get folder and file options: and file options:

File manager - File list

The file list has a search bar at the top to quickly find the files you are looking for. Alternatively you can drill into the different folder levels to find the file you require. 

File manager - Revisions

File revisions can be managed here. In the case that a new file is uploaded a revision will be created. Old file revisions can be viewed and deleted . It is also possible to change what revision of the image is displayed. 

File manager - Metadata

Additional properties for images can be stored. These can then be used to display to the user. Currently these are 

Information about who created the image and last updated it is also displayed here. 

File manager - Image preview

The final window displays a preview of the image. 

File manager configuration

Found under Content » Files » Configuration , a number of configuration settings are possible .