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Documentation page. Can have multiple revisions and has one active revision.

Method Description Returns
getName() Get the name for the active revision string
getText() Get the text for the active revision string
getParents() Get the parents of this page, with this page being the last element in the array array
getFullSlug() string
getFullPath() string
getOriginalPath() string
isGlobal() Return the info that this is NOT a global documentation page bool
getAssignedWorkflow() Get the workflow assigned to the record or entity Workflow
hasAssignedWorkflow() Check whether the record has an assigned workflow bool
getBranches() Get the branches associated with the record Collection
getBranchRevisions(RevisionBranch $branch) Get the revisions for the provided branch Collection
getNumRevisionsWithoutBranch() Get the number of revisions without branch int
getRevisionsWithoutBranch() Get all revisions without branch Collection
getId() int
getPosition() int
getSlug() string
getCreated() Get the date the record was created. DateTime
getModified() Get the last modification date for the record. DateTime
getPublished() Get the date the record was published or is scheduled to be published. DateTime
getActiveRevision() PageRevision
getRevisionById(int $id) Get the revision with the specified id PageRevision
getParent() Page
getChildren() Collection (Page)
getOwner() User
isPublished() Check if the record is published. bool
getRevisions() Collection (PageRevision)
getLastRevision() Get the last revision for the entity. If a revision has been added, this will be the newly added revision. PageRevision
getComments() Collection (Comment)
getFullPosition() Get the full, dot-separated full position for hierarchical records string
isNewRecord() Check if the record is a new record bool
isHierarchicalModel() Check whether a model is a hierarchical model, i.e. can have children bool
isVersionedModel() Check whether a model is versioned bool