2017/08 Release notes

2017-08-31TECH-3443EXOAdd base group id 4 for all new users.
2017-08-10TECH-3219prodcatalogueorderAdd getters for first and last name on the order.
2017-08-22TECH-3219hooksAdd Hook Log view in DXP.

Add Installment data to order details and order email

2017-08-11TECH-3301shippingzbAdd new window for updating zone locations
2017-08-31TECH-3431agentsAdd outlet select check and exit
2017-08-31TECH-3219hooksAdd pagination and search to hooks and logs
2017-08-18TECH-3418prodcatalogueorderAdd payments cron to send mail for past 24 hours.
2017-08-15TECH-3387agentsAdd portal function for viewing agent order details
2017-08-17TECH-3219hooksAdd SFTP hook action.
2017-08-14TECH-3362prodcatalogueorderAdd shipment notification email
2017-08-24TECH-3219hooksAdd the ability to run a Hook from the DXP.
2017-08-18TECH-3407categoryAllow non-admin users to access category module

Allow variables when naming filenames

2017-08-25TECH-3428 prodcatalogue, slugsEnsure slugs are lowercase, update on product save and add check slug on product import.
2017-08-10TECH-3382sitesearchFix bug 'Archived' and 'For Approval' pages appear in sitemap

Fix bug in ZBS with tired weight-based rates structure

2017-08-10TECH-3380centresFix bug with centre metadata values containing escaped characters
2017-08-16TECH-3397shippingzbFix bug with Dead Weight shipment rates
2017-08-10TECH-3374loginFix bug with initial whitespace in username in the login screen
2017-08-17TECH-3410pubuserFix bug with MailChimp sync
2017-08-04TECH-3363retailerFix bug with password reset on retailer subdomain


agentsFix bugs with pagination and deleted agents.
2017-08-17TECH-3399prodcataloguecartFix cart3 bug with multiple items in a discount condition
2017-08-23TECH-3421requestFIx CSV export error with multiline fields in request content
2017-08-28TECH-3440prodcatalogueorderFix for bundles suing vouchers on cart2
2017-08-30TECH-3445agentsFix for pagination.
2017-08-29TECH-3442agentsFix issue with search and an issue when assigning owner role for an outlet.
2017-08-23TECH-3395prodcatalogueorderFix multiple bugs with shipping discounts
2017-08-31TECH-3346prodcataloguecartFix unsafe access to some variables
2017-08-28TECH-3405metaForce Facebook to re-scrape page on metadata update
2017-08-25TECH-3378prodcatalogueorderImplement client-side encryption for eWay payment gateway
2017-08-25TECH-3419payments cronOnly get orders from 24 hours ago.
2017-08-04TECH-3358prodcatalogueorderOrder custom fields can now be used on the delivery details form
2017-08-29TECH-3435prodcatalogueorderRestore Discounts on cart3 quote convert.
2017-08-22TECH-3413prodcatalogueorderRound net price so it does not break SAP import
2017-08-25TECH-3436prodcatalogueorderSave payment response on cart3
2017-08-30TECH-3444agentsSet my_outlets in the header for all pages.
2017-08-30TECH-3324prodcataloguecartSet order paid hook
2017-08-23TECH-3219hooksUpdate logs with ability to run past hooks via DXP. Add more detailed logs view.