Pickup Shipping Option

Per Product Specification

You can mark a product as only available for pickup by enabling "Pick up only" in DXP > Products > Product Detail > Shipping. You can also specify a handling fee for an item. Marking a product as pickup only will exclude it from the normal computations of some delivery methods and add the total handling fee instead.

Add as Shipping Option

You may specify a pickup option directly in the checkout process indicating that you want every item on your cart to be picked up from the store. The handling fee in this option will override the per product handling fee.

Old Checkout Process

  1. Create a "Delivery by Pickup" shipping configuration in DXP > Config > Shipping
  2. Specify a handling fee
  3. Set Authority to Read or higher
  4. The option should now be visible in the shipping selection

New Checkout Process

  1. In DXP > Shipping. Choose a shipping zone or create one if desired.
  2. Click "Shipping Methods" in your selected zone
  3. Enable "Pickup"
  4. Specify the "Handling Cost" by clicking the Settings button beside the "Pickup Option"

Determine for-pickup Products in Frontend

Product Listing/Product Details

You can use the getPickupOnly() method in the $product object to determine if the product is for pickup only. With this you can display a message to inform the user about this.

<h3 class="detail"><{$product->getName()|replace:"&":"&amp;"}> <{if $product->getPickUpOnly()}>(Pickup Only)<{/if}></h3>

You can also get the specific handling fee by calling the getHandlingFee() method.

Cart/Cart Payment

The methods to use is similar to the Product Listing/Product Details section above. The only difference is you have to access it using the $new_cart_products_detail array.

<{foreach key=k name=main from=$new_cart_products_detail item=currprod}>
 <a href="/catalogue/<{$currprod.category}>/<{$currprod.url_name|@default:$currprod.id}>"><{$currprod.name}> <{if $currprod.object->getPickUpOnly()}>(PICKUP ONLY)<{/if}>

Delivery Calculation

The following business rules have been applied for the calculation of the order: