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Entity for ` `.

Method Description Returns
getType() Returns the type of the current element. string
isMultiple() Returns whether multiple value is set. bool
getValue(ElementSubmission $submission) Gets string representation of given submission value. Imploded every array of each submitted file data by ', ' and such arrays between each other by '; '. It's not recommended to use this method if file input is multiple. NOTE that submission validness isn't checked here. string
getErrors() Gets all violations (error messages) related to the element's current submission array
getErrorMessage() Gets error message for the field. If there are several errors for the element, all of them will be added to this message. string
hasErrors() Returns whether element has at least one error bool
getValues(ElementSubmission $submission) Gets array representation of given submission value even if it's one value array. By default, returns submission values array. Returns null if values are not set at all. NOTE that submission validness isn't checked here. array
getName() string
getEntity() string
getId() int
getHelp() Gets help text for the element. It could be used as a tooltip or in HTML as a title attribute, e.g. ' '. string
getEditor() string
getText() Text for the element that usually is used for element's label string
getDefaultValue() string
getPlaceholder() string
isRequired() bool
getRegex() string
getPosition() int
getSettings() array
getRevision() FormRevision
getStep() Step
getSubmissions() Collection (ElementSubmission)
getParent() ElementGroup
isNewRecord() Check if the record is a new record bool
isHierarchicalModel() Check whether a model is a hierarchical model, i.e. can have children bool
isVersionedModel() Check whether a model is versioned bool
getHtml() Renders html for input element. Block tag: div.base-element-block.input-element-block Label: label.element-label.element-text Input: input|textArea|select.element-input.{editor: inputText, inputEmail, inputSelect and so on} Validation: div.input-element-validation-errors.invalid-feedback string