Template Errors

“Template Errors” application helps integrators with debugging code within templates by providing extra information about a specific error. 

“Template Errors” is located under the “System” > “Sites” section in the administration sidebar area.

Template Errors

Template Errors can be filtered by Range, Client and Site:


In the event there are errors in the templates they will show in the list as below:

Each line is a standalone error, for more information about the error clink on the “message” link on each item:

Depending on the nature of the error extra information will be presented in a pop-up, example below:

Additional helpful information may contain the following:

To close the pop-up window:

  1. Click on the “x” icon positioned at the top right corner of the screen

  2. Click outside the pop-up window (black area)

  3. Click the “esc” key on your keyboard